National FFA Convention
October 21st 2009 through October 24th 2009
Indianapolis Convention Center - Indianapolis, Indiana
The 82nd Annual National FFA Convention will be held at the Indianapolis Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana and will be held on October 21 to October 24 of 2009. The National FFA Organization is an American career and Technical Student Organization for middle school and high school students that promote and support agricultural learning. The organization was founded in 1928 as Future Farmers of America and has over 507,763 members that are a part of 7,439 chapters in all 50 states including Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands.
The National FFA Convention is an event where FFA Members from all across the country can gather to discuss future plans, participate in Career Development Events and learn more about the future of agriculture in America.
If you are an exhibitor planning to attend the National FFA Convention and are in need of any type of Conventions, Conference, or Audio Visual Rental then look no further.
Sit back and relax and let a Tech Travel Agent from handle your needs at your next Indianapolis Convention Center event.Contact your Tech Travel Agent at 1-800-736-8772 or follow the links below for a quick rental quote!