Alberta Rental Pricing Factors
If you are getting a laptop, tablet, iphone, or other computer rental in bulk, the larger the quantity of devices
the cheaper the rental rate for each individual unit!
At, our primary technology rentals are for short-term needs. Generally speaking, the shorter your rental need, the lower the cost.
The closer your rental need is to a major city, the lower the price your computer, laptop, virtual reality, event engagement, remote work rental,
or other technology rental will be.
For most laptop, desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone rental needs, generally speaking, the less specific your technology rental need is,
the lower the cost of your technology rental quote will be.
Availability is a large factor in PC & AV rental pricing. The more common the technology that you need to get a rental for is, the lower the
cost of your rental will be. For example, iPad rentals are cheaper per unit than shredder rentals or copier rentals per unit because iPads are
more available than business-class office equipment.
Lead Time
While we are often capable of providing technology rentals on semi-short notice, especially for more common technology like laptop or desktop rentals
- the more time we have to arrange your rental, the lower the cost your rental will be.